Stories from Ethel | Our Health Insurance

1950 - 1965

Created by Marcus 2 years ago
We have come along way. Good or bad? I don’t know. The older we get the less answers we have for our social and health problems But God has the answer and we leave all the whys at his feet than continue to trust him.
The world of medicine was very limited in our growing up days. Our doctors were limited also.

Growing up in a family that trusted the Lord, many time the answer came from Him.

The home remedies were, any rash skin abrasion was treated with bag bume it was what we used for the animals, it worked on us too. The next line of defense was Lysol, mecachrome, Idione, in the forties mathildid the cure all any open wound this was poured into it, a real cure all it would burn out all the bad bacteria and the good. It usually worked I think it gave the body chance to start over to heal.

Lets not forget cod liver oil a most in spring to build up the resistance to colds and infection. Don't feel too bad about the taking this, you siblings. Some of the children had to take sulphur and molasses. They finally invented sulfur pills that the doctor gave out for infections. Infections were one the main killers before penicillin was invented. We had a Dr. Peterson in Lake Stevens, more commonly know as Penicillin Pete. Don’t get me wrong he was a caring doctor. Most all of the Doctors overused this drug. Just like today with many drugs are overused especially tranquilizers.