Stories from Ethel | The War Years

1941 - 1946

Created by Marcus 2 years ago
I am thinking back when I graduated from high school, the year of 1946. While I spent my high school years during world war two, so our lifestyle was quite different.
A number of years we had gas rationing, so we did the next best thing we did a lot of walking, the football games were played after school, we didn’t have a lit field, if we stayed for the game we would have to walk home. The basketball games were play at night so we used foot power to walk to the game, on the way we would meet up with some of the neighbor kids so we had a small group walking to the game.
Sugar was rationed, so mom would ration little bottles of sugar for each of us those that used more sugar on their hot cereal, soon ran out, so they soon learned to use it more carefully. You could not buy candy, the store would get a small supply they sold out very quickly. We had one alternative. The Granite Falls Tavern seemed to always have some. The owners of the tavern made a slide window, we would knock on the window. They would open the window and then we could make a purchase. We relished those days.
I graduated 1946, I remember the two wars, we were having during all my years of high school. When the Japanese bombed Pearl harbor, we were not a country of high defense. We did not have hardly have very many military bases. They would bring convoys of soldiers by our place, headed for Big 4 inn. They quickly built a watch tower on top of the high school building; the neighborhood men would put so many hours in a week on watch. We had to darken all of our windows, and keep buckets of sand ready in case the Japanese would drop bombs that would start our forest afire. During this time they took one of the islands in Alaska. They did drop one on our coast.
It was a scary time us younger ones, I would dreams of the Japanese parachuting down into our school yards. Children have a big imagination