Stories from Ethel | When the Children Were Small

1950 - 1960

Created by Marcus 2 years ago
My memory goes back to when the children were small and the busy time of my life. I didn’t do all things right, but I am so glad that our heavenly Father knows how weak and helpless we are. When I look back I cannot help but think of the one who was faithful to cover my mistakes with his blood.

I remember rocking my little ones to sleep, my lullaby by was Peace Peace wonderful peace coming down from the Father sweep over My spirit I pray. God gave me peace and also the baby would settle down no more fussing they to could feel the peace of God.

Dad worked rotating shifts, so his schedule was 7 days on two days off different days of the week. I would take the children to church Sunday Am by myself. It was no small chore than coming home make dinner put the children to bed. I didn’t get much of chance to rest. Then I was Impressed the Lord made the sabbath for man. Where was my rest, I decided to take one day a week and to wait on the Lord. The song they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength, the Lord really gave me strength. We did not have parental breaks we could not afford it neither did we get the time off from work like they do today. There is something special about the strength of the Lord. We were not a pill popping generation!

The Lord is always in the now time, for every generation no matter how situations have changed. He is always the God of the Now Time!

I remember one-night Dad was working, baby Lynn was having a violent asthma attack, she was about 18months old. I did not have a phone, my parents lived next door, they were not home and did not have a phone at that time either. She was breathing so hard that her lips and her fingertips were turning blue. All I could do was prayer and call on my heavenly Father, he heard my cry and touch my little one, God is good he heard my cry and answered my prayer. By the time morning came she was some better.

I often think when parents do not know the Lord what they do in time of emergency, I am sure many cry out to the Lord of mercy.